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1. The ____ is a database used by Windows OS that stores the settings for hardware, software and user settings.

JOA-IT 817 *
Correct : D
Explanation: The Windows registry, also known as the registry, is a hierarchical database that stores the configuration settings of a computer.

2. Which of the following clauses in SQL SELECT statement is used to filter the rows as per the given condition ?

JOA-IT 817 *
Correct : A
Explanation: The WHERE clause is used to filter records. It is used to extract only those records that fulfill a specified condition.

3. Which of the following SQL statements is used to add a new column in a table ?

JOA-IT 817 *
Correct : D
Explanation: The ALTER TABLE statement is used to add, delete, or modify columns in an existing table.

4. Which of the following is a DDL SQL command ?

JOA-IT 817 *
Correct : B

5. Which of the following SQL query will find the number of records in a table x for which the columns y has a value of more than 70 ?

JOA-IT 817 *
Correct : A

6. Which of the following is not a relational database management system ?

JOA-IT 817 *
Correct : C
Explanation: An RDBMS is a type of database management system (DBMS) that stores data in a row-based table structure which connects related data elements.

7. Which of the following is the correct SQL query to fetch the rows from the 'emp' table having salary less than 5000 ?

JOA-IT 817 *
Correct : D
Explanation: SELECT * FROM emp WHERE salary < 5000 - This query will return all rows from the 'emp' table where the 'salary' column is less than 5000.

8. Which of the following is the correct SQL statements to delete a database table ?

JOA-IT 817 *
Correct : D
Explanation: DROP command in SQL removes table definition and all the data from one or more database tables. It is a Data Definition Language (DDL) command.

9. What is full form of ODBC ?

JOA-IT 913 *
Correct : A
Explanation: ODBC stands for Open Database Connectivity. It is a standard programming interface that enables application developers to interact with various database management systems (DBMS) using a common set of function calls.

10. A ____- key consist of one or more attributes of a table tha is a primary key of some other table in the database.

Y.S. Parmar Uni. *
Correct : A
Explanation: A foreign key is a set of attributes in a table that refers to the primary key of another table. The foreign key connects these two tables with each other.

11. The correct option for Primary Key and Unique Key is :

Y.S. Parmar Uni. *
Correct : C
Explanation : A primary key is a column or set of columns in a relational database table that uniquely identifies each record. A relational database can only have one primary key. A table can only have one primary key.
A unique key is a set of one or more columns in a table that identifies a record in a database table. Unique keys are similar to primary keys, but they can only accept one null value for a table column.

12. Which of the following is not a DBMS Software ?

Y.S. Parmar Uni. *
Correct : D
Explanation: MS Excel is a spreadsheet software which is used to save and calculate numerical data.

13. ...... refers to a reversible step by step process in which a given set of relation is replaced by successive collection of relations that have a progressively simpler and more regular structure.

Y.S. Parmar Uni. *
Correct : A
Explanation: Normalization is a systematic technique for organizing and designing a relational database to reduce data redundancy and improve data integrity. Normalization involves breaking down complex tables into simpler, smaller tables and establishing relationships between them.

14. Which of the following is an Open Source DBMs ?

Correct : A
Explanation: MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Oracle. It's based on structured query language (SQL) and is free, open-source software under the GNU license.

15. The attribute that can be divided into other attributes is known as ______

Correct : C
Explanation: Composite attributes are a combination of other attributes. For example, a student's address is a composite attribute because it is made up of other attributes like the state, country, and pin code.

16. In RDBMS a table is comparable to a database file but more

Correct : B
Explanation: In a relational database management system (RDBMS), a table is a collection of related data elements organized into rows and columns. A database file is a type of system object that stores data in a structured format.

17. The language used in application programs to request data from the DBMS is referred to as the

Computer Operator *
Correct : A
Explanation: The language used in application programs to request data from the DBMS is referred to as the Data Manipulation Language (DML). DML is a subset of Structured Query Language (SQL) that allows users to perform various operations on the data stored in a database.

18. Data Definition Language (DDL):

Computer Operator *
Correct : A
Explanation: Data Definition Language (DDL) is a subset of SQL and part of the Database Management System (DBMS). It's a computer language used to create and modify the structure of database objects. Some common DDL statements include:
CREATE: Generates a new table
ALTER: modifies the structure of existing tables in a database (add, remove, rename).
TRUNCATE: is used to delete the complete data from the table without deleting the table structure.
DROP: permanently deletes objects from a database, such as a table, index, or view.

19. SQL enable the developers to do the task as

Correct : C
Explanation: Structured Query Language (SQL) is a standard language for storing, retrieving, and manipulating data in relational databases. It's used to create, update, and delete databases, and to perform other functions on them.

20. Data can be imoort into Access database from

Data Entry Operator *
Correct : B
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