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1. Ubuntu, Kali and cdentOS are the popular distributions of which Operating System ?

JOA-IT 817 *
Correct : B
Explanation: Linus Torvalds and the Free Software Foundation (FSF) developed the Linux operating system in the early 1990s. Linux is a free, open source operating system, released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Anyone can run, study, modify, and redistribute the source code, or even sell copies of their modified code, as long as they do so under the same license.

2. Which is the command in Linux to list the directory contents ?

JOA-IT 817 *
Correct : D
Explanation: Use the ls command to display the contents of a directory. The ls command writes to standard output the contents of each specified Directory or the name of each specified File.

3. Which of the following commands in Windox/Linux is used to check the status of active network connections ?

JOA-IT 817 *
Correct : C
Explanation: The netstat command is a network utility tool that is used to display active network connections, network statistics, and protocol information. The command is available on most Unix-based systems, including Linux and macOS.

4. Which of the following is a voice-controlled digital assistant provided by Microsoft Windows 10 ?

JOA-IT 817 *
Correct : D
Explanation: Microsoft's Cortana is a voice-controlled digital assistant that is available in Windows 10. Cortana is an AI-based virtual assistant that can respond to voice commands and text.

5. Windows ____ mode boots the computer using minimal functionality with limited number of running applications and processes.

JOA-IT 817 *
Correct : A
Explanation: Safe mode is a Windows boot-up that starts the computer with a minimal set of drivers and services. It's used to troubleshoot issues and determine the cause of a malfunction.

6. Which of the following web browser is installed by default in Windows 10 ?

JOA-IT 817 *
Correct : A
Explanation: Microsoft Edge is the default web browser for Windows 10. It's also the default browser for Windows 10 Mobile, Windows 11, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X and Series S consoles.

7. Windows ____ consist of "Quick Actions" area and the Notifications area to enable convenient access to them.

JOA-IT 817 *
Correct : C
Explanation: The Windows 10 Action Center, also known as the Notification area, contains Quick actions and notifications. The Action Center is located in the lower-right corner of the screen.

8. Which of the following characters is not allowed in a file name in Windows operating system ?

JOA-IT 817 *
Correct : B
Explanation: The following characters are not allowed in file names in Windows:
< (less than)
> (greater than)
: (colon)
“ (double quote)
/ (forward slash)
\ (backslash)
|(vertical bar or pipe)
? (question mark)
The null character

9. Which of the following utilities is used to check and fix disk errors in Windows OS ?

JOA-IT 817 *
Correct : D
Explanation: CHKDSK, also known as Microsoft Check Disk, is a utility that can be used in almost all Windows versions to scan and fix hard drive errors. It checks whether a file's size, location, and other system information matches the data that's actually on the disk.

10. What is the shortcut key to open Windows Task Manager ?

JOA-IT 817 *
Correct : D
Explanation: Using your keyboard, press and hold the CTRL, Shift, and ESC keys simultaneously. Then let go of all three keys. Task Manager launches.

11. Which is the Linux command to teminate a running process ?

JOA-IT 817 *
Correct : C
Explanation : There are several ways to terminate a running process in Linux. Here are a few common methods:
Using the kill command: The kill command sends a signal to a process.
Using the pkill command: The pkill command is similar to the kill command, but it allows you to terminate processes by name instead of by PID.

12. Which of the following is a popular GUI Linux Desktop Environment ?

JOA-IT 817 *
Correct : A
Explanation: GNOME is a popular choice for system administrators because of its user-friendly interface and wide range of features. It's also the default desktop environment for many Linux distributions.

13. Which utility in windows OS is used to create disk partitioning, resize partitions and format partitions on storage devices ?

JOA-IT 913 *
Correct : B
Explanation: Diskpart is a command-line utility in Windows operating systems (OSs) that is used to manage disks, partitions and volumes. It can be used to create, resize or delete hard drive partitions and set active or bootable partitions.

14. Which linux command to display a list of running process ?

JOA-IT 913 *
Correct : D
Explanation: The most common command to display a list of running processes in Linux is the ps command. It provides information about the currently running processes, including their process identification numbers (PIDs).

15. What is the shortcut key to permanently delete a file without moving it to "Recycle Bin" in Microsoft Windows ?

JOA-IT 913 *
Correct : C
Explanation: To permanently delete a file without moving it to the Recycle Bin in Microsoft Windows, you can use the keyboard shortcut Shift + Delete.

16. Which of the following is generally not a fucntion of an operating system ?

JOA-IT 913 *
Correct : C
Explanation: An OS is the most important software that runs on a computer. It manages the computer's memory and processes, as well as all of its software and hardware. It also allows you to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer's language.

17. Which of the following is not a major version of Microsoft Windows Operating System ?

JOA-IT 913 *
Correct : C
Explanation: Windows 11 (2021) Current client version of Windows.
Windows 10 S (2017)
Windows 10 (2015)
Windows 8/8.1 (2012-2013)
Windows 7 (2009)
Windows Vista (2006)
Windows XP (2001)
Windows 2000 (2000)
Windows ME (2000)

18. In Windows 10, how can one sneak a peek at the desktop without closing or minimizing all the open windows ?

JOA-IT 913 *
Correct : B
Explanation: Open the Taskbar settings window and turn on the option Use Peek to preview the desktop when you move your mouse to the Show Desktop button at the end of the Taskbar.

19. What is the short method to minimize all other windows except the one you wish to keep visible in Windows 10 ?

JOA-IT 913 *
Correct : B

20. In Windows 10, the _____ provides quick access to notifications, toggle battery saver mode, choose a network and access tablet mode.

JOA-IT 913 *
Correct : C
Explanation: The Action Center in Windows 10 provides quick access to notifications, basic settings, and more. It's a hub for system notifications, including incoming emails, security and maintenance, and tips from Microsoft. It also alerts you when a Wi-Fi network is nearby.
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