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1. Which constitutional amendment of Indian Constitution is known as 'Mini Constitution' ?

HP Panchayat Sect. *
Correct : C
Explanation: The 42nd Amendment Act of 1976 is considered the most controversial constitutional amendment in India's history. It's also known as the "Mini-Constitution" because it's believed to have made many changes to the Constitution. Some changes are : Powers of the court, Fundamental rights, President Directive principles etx.
The 42nd Amendment Act was passed in 1976 by the Indian National Congress Government, led by Indira Gandhi.

2. Which document describes India as a secular state ?

HP Traffic Insp. *
Correct : D
Explanation: The 42nd Amendment Act of 1976 added the term "Secular" to the preamble of the Indian Constitution. The preamble states that India is a secular country without a state religion. It also states that India shall accept all religions and not favor any particular religion.

3. One third of the members of the Rajya Sabha retire after every

HP Traffic Insp. *
Correct : A
Explanation: One-third of the members of the Rajya Sabha retire every second year. The Rajya Sabha is a permanent body, and the members are not subject to dissolution. Each member is elected for a six-year term. The main reason for this retirement rule is to preserve the status of the Rajya Sabha as a permanent house.

4. The legslative Powers are vested in the

HP Traffic Insp. *
Correct : B
Explanation: In India, the Parliament has legislative powers. The Parliament is made up of the President, the Lok Sabha, and the Rajya Sabha. The President has the power to summon the Parliament's two houses.

5. The age of retirement of the Judges of the High court is

HP Traffic Insp. *
Correct : D
Explanation: The retirement age for High Court judges in India is 62 years. This age was increased from 60 to 62 in 1963, according to the 15th constitutional amendment.

6. In which year were the first general elections held in India ?

HP Traffic Insp. *
Correct : D
Explanation: The first General elections held in India in 1951-52. Congress (INC) won the election.

7. Total number of schedules in Indian Constitution is

HP Traffic Insp. *
Correct : B
Explanation: The Indian Constitution has 12 schedules. The Constitution is divided into 25 parts and 12 schedules. To remember the 12 schedules of the Indian Constitution, we can use the mnemonic "TEARS OF OLD PM":
T: Territories
E: Emoluments
A: Affirmations
R: Rajya Sabha
S: Scheduled Areas
O: Other Areas
F: Federal Structure
O: Official languages
L: Land Reforms
D: Defection laws
P: Panchayat
M: Muncipalities

8. Which is regarded as the guardian of the Constitution of India ?

HP Traffic Insp. *
Correct : D
Explanation: The Supreme Court of India is the guardian of the Constitution of India. The Supreme Court is the highest judicial court in India and is responsible for interpreting and guarding the Constitution. The Supreme Court also protects and ensures the rights and liberties of citizens as outlined in the Constitution.

9. Who was the first Chief Election Commissioner of India ?

HP Traffic Insp. *
Correct : A
Explanation: Sukumar Sen (1898 - 1963) was the first Chief Election Commissioner of India. He served from March 21, 1950 to December 19, 1958. Sen was responsible for conducting the first general elections of independent India.

10. Who has termed Constitution a scared document ?

HP Traffic Insp. *
Correct : A
Explanation: Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, also known as the Father of the Indian Constitution, called the Constitution of India a sacred document. Ambedkar was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constitution in the Constituent Assembly. He is widely considered to be the chief architect of the Constitution, the world's longest written constitution.

11. The joint sitting of both house of parliament is presided over by

HP Traffic Insp. *
Correct : D
Explanation : The joint sitting of the Parliament is called by the President of India (Article 108) and is presided over by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha or, in their absence, by the Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha, or in their absence, the Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.

12. The Fundamental Rights that aims at the abolition of social distinctions is the right

HP Restorer *
Correct : B
Explanation: The right to equality is the fundamental right that aims to abolish social distinctions. This right is mentioned in Articles 14–18 of the Indian Constitution.

13. Who is a legal advisor of the State Goverment as provided by the constitution ?

HP Restorer *
Correct : C
Explanation: In India, the Advocate General is the legal advisor to a state government. The Constitution of India (Article 165) created the position, which is equivalent to the Attorney General for India at the union government level.

14. The ex-offcio chairman of Rajya Sabha is

HP Restorer *
Correct : D
Explanation: The Vice President of India is the ex-officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha. In India, the post of Vice President is the second highest post in the executive after the President. The Vice President of India is the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha and also takes part in legislative work. The Vice President acts as President in the event of a casual vacancy in the office of the President caused by the death, resignation, or dismissal of the President or other causes.

15. The second President of the Indian Republic was

HP Restorer *
Correct : B
Explanation: Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was the second President of India, serving from May 13, 1962 to May 13, 1967. He was also the first Vice-President of India, elected in 1952.

16. 26th January is India's

HP Restorer *
Correct : A
Explanation: January 26th is India's Republic Day. It commemorates the day in 1950 when India adopted its constitution and became a democratic, secular, socialist, and sovereign republic. The reason to chosen this date, is the day in 1930 when the Indian National Congress had demanded Complete Independence or Purna Swaraj in Lahore session.

17. The president rule in a state can be continued for a maximum period of

HP Restorer *
Correct : D
Explanation: The President's Rule in a state can be continued for a maximum period of three years. The President's Rule is initially for a period of six months. It can be extended for a period of three years with parliamentary approval, every six months. The 42nd amendment act of 1976 extended the initial time duration of President Rule from 6 months to 1 year.

18. Separation of the Judiciary from the executive is enjoinded by

HP Restorer *
Correct : A
Explanation: Article 50 of the Constitution of India states that the state must take steps to separate the judiciary from the executive in the public services of the state. This is a directive principle of state policy.

19. In India people are given the right to vote in the Lok Sabha election on the basis of

HP Restorer *
Correct : B
Explanation: In India, citizens are given the right to vote in the Lok Sabha election based on universal adult suffrage. This means that all adult citizens of India can vote for candidates in their constituency.

20. What is at the apex of the three tier system of Panchayat Raj ?

HP Restorer *
Correct : B
Explanation: The Zila Parishad is at the top of the three-tier Panchayati Raj system. The Zila Parishad is also known as the District Level Panchayat. Structure of Panchayati Raj system : District level → Zila Parishad , Block level → Panchayat Samiti and Village level → Gram Panchayat.
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