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1. The _____ keys on a QWERTY keyboard have small bumps on them to help positions the fingers without looking at the keyboard.

JOA-IT 913 *
Correct : A
Explanation: The F and J keys on a QWERTY keyboard have small bumps, ridges, or pimples to help users position their fingers without looking at the keyboard. These bumps are also known as homing bars.

2. RAID technology combines multiple physical disk drives to achieve spedd and redundancy. What is full form of RAID here ?

JOA-IT 913 *
Correct : A
Explanation: RAID stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disks. It's a data virtualization technology that combines multiple physical disk drives (hard disk and SSD) into a single logical storage unit. RAID improves data reliability, performance, and capacity.

3. Which of the following optical media storage has the highest capacity ?

JOA-IT 913 *
Correct : A
Explanation: Blu-ray discs have the highest storage capacity of optical media. A single-sided Blu-ray disc can store up to 25 GB of data, and dual-layer or double-sided discs can double the storage capacity which is about 50 GB.

4. Which component of a laser printer melts the tone particles to form permanent impression on the page ?

JOA-IT 913 *
Correct : D
Explanation: The fuser unit of a laser printer uses heat and pressure to melt toner particles onto the page and permanently bond them to the paper. The fuser unit is made up of two heated rollers that fuse the toner particles to the paper.

5. Which of the following storage media uses flash memory ?

JOA-IT 913 *
Correct : A
Explanation: SSD stands for Solid State Drive. It's a non-volatile storage device that uses flash memory chips to store data. The data is kept in a permanent state, even when the power is off. Solid-State Drives (SSD) use flash memory to store data.
Flash Memory is a non-volatile memory chip that can be used for storage and data transfer between a computer and digital devices. It can retain data even when the power is off and can be electrically erased and reprogrammed.

6. Software is generally classified into, which type software ?

Correct : D
Explanation: Softare is a set of instruction or program which is used to perform a specific task. Types :-
System software :- Manages hardware, program files, and other resources. It also acts as an interface between application software and the system. The operating system is a type of system software that manages all other programs installed on a computer.
Application software :- Designed for users to perform specific tasks, such as writing a letter or listening to music. Business application software is a category of application software that covers specific business processes.
Utility software :- is a program or tool that helps improve a computer system's productivity, efficiency, functionality, or maintenance. It helps users manage and optimize their computing experience.

7. A translator is best described as

Correct : B
Explanation: System software is a type of computer program that manages a computer's hardware and application programs. It also provides a platform for running application software.

8. Proprietary software is owned exclusively by

Correct : A
Explanation: Proprietary software is software that is privately owned, controlled, and distributed. Proprietary software is also known as closed source software. It is not open to the public, and users cannot access or modify the source code.

9. Software programs that close potential security breaches in an operating system are known as

Correct : A
Explanation: Security patches are software and operating system updates that aim to fix security vulnerabilities in a program or product.

10. Program promined by publisher but never released

Correct : C
Explanation: A program that is announced but never released is known as "vaporware". Vaporware is often announced months or years before its intended release, with little information about its development.

11. System software is an interface between ___

Correct : A
Explanation : System software can also act as an intermediary between applications and hardware. For example, system software can perform tasks like sending a network packet or displaying text on a display.

12. To work on computer we mainly need

Computer Operator *
Correct : D
Explanation: To work on computer we mainly need hardware (keyboard, mouse, monitor) and software ( window os, application to work on).

13. Which software is used to view web pages ?

Computer Operator *
Correct : D
Explanation: Browser is an application software which is used to view webpage.

14. What key hardware item ties a CAD/CAM system together ?

Correct : C
Explanation: A graphics workstation is a high-performance computer that is used for 3D modeling, CAD drawings, and video editing. They are designed for professionals to manage scientific and dynamic operations, as well as CAD and DCC applications.

15. The main purpose of software is to convert data into

Computer Operator *
Correct : B
Explanation: Software converts the entered data into useful information.

16. In a computer which is the main part of system software ?

Computer Operator *
Correct : C
Explanation: An operating system (OS) is a software that acts as an interface between a computer user and the computer's hardware. An OS is initially loaded into a computer by a boot program. Some examples of operating systems include: Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, Google's Android OS, Apple iOS.

17. What is turnkey system ?

Correct : D
Explanation: A turnkey system includes all the hardware and software needed for the specific application. It is a complete computer, including hardware, operating system, and applications, that is designed and sold to meet specific business requirements.

18. Protocols are ____

Computer Operator *
Correct : B
Explanation: A protocol is a set of rules that computers follow to communicate with each other. Protocols can be implemented in either hardware or software.

19. The hardware which blocks the breach of security is called

Correct : B
Explanation: A firewall is a network security device that prevents unauthorized access to a network. It uses a set of security rules to inspect incoming and outgoing traffic to identify and block threats. Firewalls can be physical hardware, digital software, software as a service (SaaS), or a virtual private cloud.

20. The CPU is an example of

Assitant Store Keeper *
Correct : C
Explanation: A central processing unit (CPU) is a computer's main processor and the most important part of it. It's a complex set of electronic circuitry that runs a computer's operating system and apps. The CPU is also known as the "control center" of a computer.
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