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1. The electric component that has been the key to recent development in automation is the

H.P. Computer Operator *
Correct : B
Explanation: IC stands for Integrated Circuit. It is a small electronic device made of multiple interconnected electronic components such as transistors, resistors, and capacitors. These components are etched onto a tiny piece of semiconductor material, usually silicon.

2. Flip-flop outputs are always

H.P. Computer Operator *
Correct : C
Explanation: A flip-flop is a digital circuit with two stable states, represented by two outputs. The two outputs are always complementary, meaning that when one output is high, the other is low and vice-versa.

3. Remote processing and time sharing was introudce in which gneration of computers ?

H.P. Computer Operator *
Correct : D
Explanation: Remote processing and time-sharing were used in the third generation of computers. The third generation of computers ran from 1965–1971.

4. Main Circuit board of a computer is called

Correct : A
Explanation: A motherboard is the main printed circuit board (PCB) in a computer. It's a large circuit board that contains all the computer's components, such as the CPU, GPU, RAM, and storage.

5. Which of following is not a raster image format ?

H.P. Computer Operator *
Correct : D
Explanation: Raster image formats are made up of pixels that store image data by remembering the color of each pixel. Raster images can display a wider range of colors and finer light and shading than vector images, but they lose image quality when resized. Example : JPEG, PNG, TIFF and GIF images.
SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics. It is a vector image format that uses XML to define two-dimensional graphics.

6. What is the full form of DPI- the term used to repersent image resolution ?

H.P. Computer Operator *
Correct : B
Explanation: DPI stands for Dots Per Inch. It's a measurement of the density of a video or print image. It's also a way to measure an image's resolution and quality.

7. Which type of memory is directly available in CPU and is often part of CPU ?

H.P. Computer Operator *
Correct : C
Explanation: Register memory is a type of computer memory that is built into the CPU (Central Processing Unit). It is used to store and manipulate data while instructions are being executed.

8. Which computer is used for Computer Aided Design (CAD) calculations ?

H.P. Computer Operator *
Correct : B
Explanation: Minicomputers are a type of multi-user computer that can support 10 to hundreds of users at once. They are also known as midrange computers and were first introduced in 1960. Minicomputers are smaller than mainframe computers and are used for a variety of corporate and scientific applications.

9. Which are graphical objects used to repersent commonly used application ?

H.P. Computer Operator *
Correct : A
Explanation: Icons are graphical objects that represent commonly used applications. Icons are small pictures that represent a program or object. They are displayed on a computer screen to help users navigate the computer system.

10. C is a _____ genration computer programming Language.

H.P. Computer Operator *
Correct : C
Explanation: C is a third-generation programming language (3GL). C was developed by Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson at Bell Labs between 1969 and 1973. It's a successor to the programming language B.

11. Which of following memory is volatile in nature ?

Correct : D
Explanation : RAM is an acronym for Random Access Memory. It's a type of computer memory that can be read and changed in any order. RAM is a computer's short-term memory, where the data that the processor is currently using is stored.

12. Which memory must be refreshed many times per second ?

H.P. Computer Operator *
Correct : B
Explanation: Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) is a type of memory that needs to be refreshed many times per second to store information. DRAM is the most common type of Random Access Memory (RAM) used in personal computers, workstations, and servers.

13. Which part has direct connection from a computer Motherboard ?

H.P. Computer Operator *
Correct : C
Explanation: A microprocessor is a computer processor that contains the logic and control for data processing. It's also known as the Central Processing Unit (CPU).

14. Trackball is an example of

H.P. Computer Operator *
Correct : B
Explanation: A microprocessor is a computer processor that contains the logic and control for data processing. It's also known as the Central Processing Unit (CPU).

15. Which in a computer provides the facility to the user to change the priority of booting options in the computer system ?

Correct : C
Explanation: he BIOS setup utility allows users to change boot order settings. Boot order is a BIOS setting, so it's operating-system independent.

16. Which genration of computers used vaccum tubes ?

H.P. Computer Operator *
Correct : A
Explanation: Vacuum tubes were the primary technology used in the first generation of computing machines. They were used as basic components for memory and circuitry for the CPU (Central Processing Unit). However, vacuum tubes were bulky, unreliable, and generated a lot of heat.

17. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is a fundamental part of

H.P. Computer Operator *
Correct : D
Explanation: An arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is a digital circuit that performs arithmetic and logic operations. It's a fundamental building block of a computer's central processing unit (CPU).

18. Which type of memory is known as primary memory ?

Correct : A
Explanation: Primary memory, also known as main memory or internal memory or RAM, is the main storage area in a computer. It's directly accessible to the central processing unit (CPU).

19. Which is the fastest memory type in a computer speed ?

H.P. Computer Operator *
Correct : C
Explanation: Cache is the fastest memory type in a computer system. It's a small, volatile memory that stores frequently used data and applications. Cache memory is 10–100 times faster than RAM. The fastest type of cache memory is Level 1 (L1). It's the smallest in size and closest to the processor.

20. What is the full form of LCD ?

H.P. Computer Operator *
Correct : B
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