Question - 190
Time - 2 hr
Explanation - Yes
Score - No
HPPSC JOA-IT Post Code- 556 -8

1. The popular Holi festival is incomparably celebrated in which place ?

Correct : A
Explanation: Holi festival of Sujanpur (hamirpur) is national level fair which is celebrated in H.P in the month- March. It has been celebrated since ancient times.

2. The dance 'Swang Tegi' is performed during the festival of

Correct : C
Explanation: The dance "Swang Tegi" is performed during the Diwali festival in Sirmaur district. It is a free dance where the dancers wear tiger masks carved out of wood and mimic animal gestures.

3. Which among the following districts of Himachal Pradesh has least road network ?

Correct : C

4. Find the error
She is more beautiful (A) / but not so intelligent (B) / as her sister. (C) / No error (D)

Correct : A
Explanation: The error in the statement "She is more beautiful but not so intelligent as her sister" is that the two phrases "more beautiful" and "not so intelligent" are contradictory. If she is more beautiful than her sister, then she cannot be less intelligent than her sister. The two phrases cannot both be true at the same time.

5. Find the error
The patient will die (A) / before (B) / the doctor comes. (C) / No error (D)

Correct : A

6. Find the error
I declared (A) / that all will go wrong (B) / without her. (C) / No error (D)

Correct : B

7. Find the error
Work hard (A) / lest (B) / you may not fail. (C) / No error (D)

Correct : C
Explanation: The correct sentence is "Work hard lest you should fail"

8. Find the error
I will stand by you (A) / in (B) / thick and thin. (C) / No error (D)

Correct : B
Explanation: Correct Sentence - I will stand by you through thick and thin.

9. Find the error
No country of the world (A) / is as beautiful as (B) / India. (C) / No error (D)

Correct : A

10. She said that she was feeling sick ________ heart.

Correct : B
Explanation: The idiom "sick at heart" is used to describe someone who is grieving (sad).

11. I can write a book ________ grammar.

Correct : D
Explanation: The preposition “on” is used in the sentence “I can write a book on grammar” because it is used to indicate the subject matter of the book.

12. We searched ________ happiness in vain.

Correct : B

13. You are advised to write ________ pencil.

Correct : C

14. Beware ________ back-biters.

Correct : C

15. Our clothes were soaked ________ water.

Correct :
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