Question - 170
Time - 2 hr
Explanation - Yes
Score - No
HPPSC JOA-IT Post Code- 626 -2

1. Proprietary software is owned exclusively by ?

Correct : A
Explanation: Proprietary software is owned exclusively by the person or organization that created it. This means that the creator owns all rights to the product, including the intellectual property rights to the source code. Proprietary software is also known as closed-source software or commercial software. It is typically used by end-users and organizations under predefined conditions. Examples of proprietary software include: Adobe Photoshop, MacOS, Windows, Internet Explorer, Google Earth etx.

2. What is the name given to the process of initializing a microcomputer with its operating system ?

Correct : C
Explanation: The process of initializing a microcomputer with its operating system is called booting. Booting is a startup sequence that loads the operating system into the computer's main memory or random-access memory (RAM). It also prepares the computer to accept user commands. Cold booting is the process of starting a computer from a powered-off state. It's also known as a hard boot, cold start, or dead start. A Warm booting is a process that restarts a computer without completely shutting down the power.

3. The program in the operating system that does processor management is called ?

Correct : A
Explanation: The traffic controller's primary goal is to coordinate and control the actions of hardware and software in the CPU. It keeps track of the processor and the process's state, and allocates the processor (CPU) to a process.

4. Which of the following is not the type of real time operating system ?

Correct : C
Explanation: A real-time operating system (RTOS) is a software component that switches between tasks quickly, making it seem like multiple programs are running at the same time on a single processing core. There are three types of RTOS: Hard RTOS, Soft RTOS, Firm RTOS.

5. Which type of command in dos needs additional files for their execution ?

Correct : B
Explanation: In MS-DOS, external commands require additional files for execution. External commands are MS-DOS commands that are not included in They are used to copy one or more files from a directory to another location.

6. In MS Word changing the appearance of document is ?

Correct : B
Explanation: Changing the appearance of a document in Microsoft Word is called formatting. Formatting can include changing the font color and size.

7. Which command is used in ms excel to calculate the total characters length in a cell ?

Correct : A
Explanation: The LEN function in Excel counts the number of characters in a text string. This includes letters, numbers, special characters, non-printable characters, and all spaces.

8. Charts in MS Excel are constructed with ?

Correct : D
Explanation: Charts in Microsoft Excel are created using the chart wizard. To create chart we need data points and data series which decribes the chart how it look.

9. What PowerPoint feature will you use to apply motion effects to different objects of a slide ?

Correct : D
Explanation: In Microsoft PowerPoint, animation schemes are special effects that can be applied to text, shapes, or images.

10. Which of the following is the type of database user ?

Correct : D
Explanation: A database user is someone who uses a database and benefits from it. Database users can access and retrieve data from the database using interfaces and applications provided by the Database Management System (DBMS).

11. Which of the follwoing is not a type of data model ?

Correct : D
Explanation : A data model is a set of rules and concepts that organize and describe a database's data. It defines the data's structure, constraints, and relationships, and provides a way to manipulate and access the data. Here are some types of data models in DBMS: Relational model, Network data model, Hierarchical data model, Entity relationship model, Context data model.

12. Microsoft access is an example of ?

Correct : D
Explanation: Microsoft Access is a database management system (DBMS). It's a Microsoft application that combines the Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software development tools. It's also a member of the Microsoft 365 suite of applications.

13. In MS Access text data type may contain maximum character of ?

Correct : A
Explanation: Short Text (formerly known as 'Text') which contain Alphanumeric data (names, titles, etc.) can store upto 255 character.

14. A central computer surrounded by one or more satellite computers is called ?

Correct : C
Explanation: In a star network, every host is connected to a central hub. The central hub can be a computer server that manages the network, or it can be a simpler device that only makes the connections between computers over the network possible.

15. A machine that connects two or more electronic mail systems and transfer messages between them is called

Correct : C
Explanation: A mail gateway is a device that connects two or more electronic mail systems and transfers messages between them. A gateway is a network node that connects two networks with different transmission protocols. All data must pass through or communicate with the gateway before being routed.

16. In OSI model which of the following layer decides the path ?

Correct : C
Explanation: The network layer of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model decides which physical path data will take. This process is known as routing.

17. A Website is a collection of

Correct : D
Explanation: website is a collection of web pages and related content that share a common domain name and are published on at least one web server.

18. Which of the following is not a part of Email Address ?

Correct : C
Explanation: An email address is a unique string of characters that identifies an email account, or "mailbox". It's made up of three parts: a local-part, an “@” symbol, and a domain.

19. Which of the following is used to write web pages ?

Correct : C
Explanation: HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It's a text-based language that defines the structure and content of web pages. HTML is the basic building block of the web, and it's used by web browsers to render pages.

20. Software programs that close potential security breaches in an operating system are known as

Correct : A
Explanation: Security patches are software programs that close potential security breaches in an operating system. Security patches are updates to software and operating systems that fix security vulnerabilities. These updates "patch" a hole in your defense, preventing hackers or malware from exploiting a way into your network.

21. A virus that can be delete antivirus software is called a

Correct : A

22. Encapsulation is also known as

Correct : A
Explanation: Encapsulation is a method for hiding data in a single unit or entity, and for protecting information from outside. It is an implementation level process that provides privacy and maintains control over the transparency of data.

23. Which of the following sites has the most impressive drainage system ?

Correct : A
Explanation: Mohenjodaro is said to have the most impressive drainage system of all Harappan sites. The Indus Valley Civilization is known for its underground drainage system, which is considered the first drainage system in the world.

24. The most and first important event of Ashoka's reign recorded in his inscription was ?

Correct : B
Explanation: The Kalinga War was a battle fought in ancient India between the Maurya Empire and the state of Kalinga in 261 BCE. The war ended with Ashoka, the Mauryan king, successfully conquering Kalinga. The violence and bloodshed horrified Ashoka, who vowed to never again wage a war of conquest.

25. Pliny was a

Correct : A
Explanation: Pliny the Elder (23-79 CE) was a Roman author, naturalist, philosopher, and military commander. He was a friend of Emperor Vespasian and is best known for his 37-volume encyclopedia, Natural History.

26. In Central India, the Kushan rule followed immediately by

Correct : A
Explanation: The Murunda dynasty ruled the Utkal region of modern Odisha in the 2nd and 3rd centuries CE. Their territory included parts of the area around the northern districts of coastal Odisha.

27. Which is one of the earliest residential cum teaching institution ?

Correct : A
Explanation: Nalanda is one of the earliest examples of a residential-cum-teaching institution. It housed thousands of monks who were dedicated to learning, philosophy, and meditation.

28. Who founded the Pala Empire ?

Correct : D
Explanation: Gopala founded the Pala Empire in 750 CE. He was the first emperor of the Pala dynasty and ruled from 750–770 AD.

29. Who was the court poet of King Mahipala of Kannauj ?

Correct : D
Explanation: The poet Rajashekhara, associated with the court of the Gurjara-Pratihara King Mahendrapala and his son Mahipala (Pratihara dynasty).

30. Who constitue a council kown as 'umara-i-chahalgani' ?

Correct : B
Explanation: Shams-ud-din Iltutmish (1167-1236) created the Umara-i Chahalgani council, which is translated as "the group of forty nobles". The council was made up of 40 high-ranking officials who advised the Sultan on governance and administration.
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